The composition of control valves in gas purification devices Modern technology places emphasis on innovation and progress in industrial and commonly used equipment. Modern equipment, such as nitrogen concentrators, which use physical methods to separate oxygen from air and obtain nitrogen, are primarily divided into three types, which are deep cold splitting, molecular sifting splitting (PSA) and membrane splitting. Control valves are very commonly used end control elements in spare equipment, such as the conduction blade of the compressor, the nozzle of the expander, etc. The control valve consists of the valve body, the internal parts of the valve, the actuator supplying the drive of the valve and a large number of valve accessories. Typical valve accessories by the electric valve positioner, electromagnetically operated valve, limit switch and filter pressure reducing valve, etc., in order to control the valve care time, and some also need to add speed increaser, damper and fast discharge valve and other accessories. Gas purification device The control signal from the external output of the nitrogen control machine is fed to the electrical valve locator, The electrical valve locator converts the 4 to 20 mA signal into a gas signal to actively adjust the execution mechanism's itinerary, after the feedback system action, the itinerary and the signal are proportionally changed, and the correct positioning of the valve is completed.
In the control valve attachment, the general electric valve positioner primarily for the completion of the serial scheduling of the valve, in the demand for safety interlocking conditions, the electromagnetically operated valve can be completed fully open or fully closed. The accessories carried vary according to the control system's control requirements for the valve. Generally divided into three kinds of conditions to clarify the control requirements and DCS control signal, the valve with accessories (electromagnetically operated valve locator, solenoid valve) between the contact. Here we need to clarify that the nitrogen converter valve can be divided into two types according to the overall operation method of the engine. The opening of the air increases with the increase of the signal pressure, and when there is no air signal, the valve is in full condition; The air-closing valve increases the pressure of the air signal, and the valve gradually closes when there is no air signal. Another analogy to the situation above is that the equipment is in a completely open form and the way it is operated has changed somewhat. Implementation agencies can be divided into positive and negative actions according to the direction of the push bar displacement. The signal pressure increases, and the push bar moving down is a positive effect; Conversely, it is called counteraction. The straight-travel single-chamber air opening valve uses a counteraction actuator, and the air closing valve uses an active actuator.